Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), which are enablers of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, are typically used en-masse in widely physically distributed applications to monitor the dynamic conditions of the environment. They collect raw sensor data that is processed centralised. With the current traditional techniques of state-of-art WSN programmed for specific tasks, it is hard to react to any dynamic change in the conditions of the environment beyond the scope of the intended task. To solve this problem, a synergy between Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and WSN has been proposed. This paper aims to present the current status of Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Network (SDWSN) proposals and introduce the readers to the emerging research topic that combines Machine Learning (ML) and SDWSN concepts, also called ML-SDWSNs. ML-SDWSN grants an intelligent, centralised and resource-aware …
BibTeX citation
@article{JuradoFafoutis2022, author = {Jurado Lasso, Fabian Fernando and Marchegiani, Letizia and Jurado, Jesus Fabian and Abu-Mahfouz, Adnan M. and Fafoutis, Xenofon}, title = {A Survey on Machine Learning Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks {(ML-SDWSNS):} {Current} Status and Major Challenges}, journal = {IEEE Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {23560-23592}, date = {2022-01}, doi = {10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3153521} }